Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Works for Me Wednesday...

This week, I don't have a clever idea for Works For Me Wednesday, hosted by Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer. However, I would like to say thank-you for a wonderful tip I read last week. I think it was last week. But, it could have been a month ago. With three small kids, my sense of time is sometimes a bit muddled. So, if the water tote/bucket was your idea and posting sometime recently, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! There may have been more than one of you. Thank you all! This tip was so timely. The last few days have been unbearably hot and humid. After I put this collection of water, bowls, cups and ladles on the deck, the girls were both happy for hours. They happily pour the water from one container to another. Without whining. For hours. Whoever you are, please drop me a line & let me know. This was sooooooo helpful, I would love to give you credit. If you haven't tried this tip yet, you should. It'll be working all week for us!

[Obviously, it requires adult supervision- as any water baby/toddler combination does.]


Anonymous said...

I wasn't the one who suggested it but it is a great idea. You can also add some paint brushes and let them "paint" with water on the deck rails. ~Amanda

Bryce said...

Great reminder! I had a little look for you, was it ? Sounds like the same idea. Thats not my blog by the way, I just did a little search to help you out!

Anonymous said...

When you mentioned totes, I thought of those big ones (like we have in the basement room) - I'm sure you don't have any empty ones but I bet they'd make perfect little "personal tubs" for the girls (like the steel tubs at the end of Maverick; remember those?).

jaime said...

wow that IS a cool idea! my friend and I have been saying our kids are gonna get sick of the tiny pool and lil slide that we put in front of it...or the sprinkler... I'm gonna pass this knowledge on as well. thanks!