Saturday, June 7, 2008

Laugh On Adirondackers....

So, I tried to post this earlier and it didn't work. It could be that my brain has cooked. It's hot. It's Africa hot. Tarzan couldn't stand this kind of heat. (Name that movie...) Oh my friends, for every Arctic Tundra crack I made this winter about upstate New York, I'm sorry. I don't remember it ever being this hot in the Adirondacks. Or this humid. With a stretch of weather ahead of us with temperatures in the 90's and humid to boot, I thought my friends in the Adirondacks would enjoy my climate-related humbling. So, go on North Country folks. Enjoy your cool breezes. Enjoy swimming in any one of oh so many lakes. Comfortable weather at night for sleeping. Soon, soon it will be September again. Or should I say winter. Then we'll see who's laughing.


Anonymous said...

Evil weather here too - mid 90's and humid...we have not been spared! Miss you! Gret

Phill said...

Biloxi Blues!

As for the Adirondack heat - Oh, sure. It's gonna be hot ... 80s in the daytime this week, 70s next week. 'Course it will be going down to the 40s and 50s at night to cool us off. Awesome!

Don't take my poking fun too seriously - I don't get back up to the Adks until next Saturday. I'm in the city right now, and the heat is brutal!! said...

Well, you're just evil, aren't you?

It's crazy hot and humid here, too. Luckily, the air conditioner spontaneously started working again!! MIRACLE!!

Gettysburg Mom said...

umm, gret? don't you have a pool? If you were closer than six hours, we'd so be over...

city to the mountains.

tracey- congrats on AC. We have AC's in the bedrooms, but the rest of the house is akin to an oven...

new BFF forever- hey you, the reader in Gettysburg with a pool. please oh please contact us.

Anonymous said...

Hey, easy with the poking! Yes, we get the heat but it'll only last a week. While you are cooking and running away to libraries and *MAYBE* the Gap again, if you dare. Land of lakes = happiness. However, I'm not brave enough to emerge myself in the still icy lakes. Well, maybe later this month.

I need a pool for these 2 months of summer.

Anonymous said...

I know. It's freakin hot here too. We went out this morning and I had taken my coffee with me. After our activity, when we got back in the car like over an hour later, my coffee was still just as hot...

Thanks for visiting my blog:)

Ann Harrison said...

"Biloxi Blues"!
My husband and I still use this referrence when needed.

Katrina said...

Love the pictures. I do check regularly, just don't always leave comments. I'm so looking forward to seeing you soon.
Your sister