Hello. How ya doing? You know what happened to me? My brother-in-law (also known as the bestest brother-in-law in the whole world... Which was a tough competition- I mean John bought me a bathroom at the Mountain house...but, Michael?) , Michael, bought me a
Canon PowerShot A560.
The best part? Clearly that it takes the picture when you push the button. Not seven seconds later. Seven seconds later, with kids? Forever.

I get lots of pictures of Greeley- 'cuz. um, she's usually attached to me and all.

The other night? I took all my free raspberries from the mountain house and made daiquiries. See the glass with the bunny straw on the railing? Yum...
Raspberry Daiquiries, thanks Cooking Light. Thanks Mom, for the Cooking Light subscription.

Greeley was oh so cranky with our friend, Christy. Totally not her fault. Not Chrisy's fault that is.

Look! It's Deanna from New York. Yeah- it's a smackdown. All you Adirondack folk who said, "(squeal!!!!!!) I love Gettysburg... of course we'll visit!!!!!! (squeal!!!!!!)" Deanna and her husband, Steve, came to visit. So, um, what's your excuse? Yes, you, you know you'd said you'd visit...

We had fun.

Well, Rich, the kids and I had fun.
We hope Deanna and Steve had fun. Although, she did mention that she knew she'd end up on the blog.
Ooooooh. Yeah. I said blog. Mom blog. Yeah- I participate in a Mom Blog. Look! It's Rich and Greeley.

So- the new camera. It came with the card that holds 16 pictures or so....

A lot of the 16 was Greeley. Again, she's attached to me and all...

See?! Those are Rich's boxers I'm wearing...
The new camera captures Greeley climbing (again!!!!) over the couch to the desk to the printer....

Oh! How she climbs.....

***This post and all future photography funded by the "Uncle Michael Wants to See More Pictures of the Kids" fund.... thanks, Uncle Michael.....***