...and headed over to New Hampshire to spend some time with Rich's Aunt Gail and Uncle Larry and their kids. Unfortunately, I have exactly ZERO pictures of us at their house. I seem to have left the camera on the counter of the condo they rented for us every single stinking time. I'm sure Uncle Michael will cough up some pictures soon.
So, while I don't have any pictures of the kids taking their first toboggan ride, I do have two smiley girls standing in front of a fireplace.
And here are Rich and Uncle Michael in the internet cafe- or dining room- either way.
The rental's kitchen had row upon row upon row of UNLOCKED cabinets to explore. Emerson's lucky day!
And a little twenty first century sibling quality time- faces bathed in the glow of their Nintendo products.
Whew! I cleared out room on the memory card in time for Groundhog Day. Just in the nick of time.
Great post - short and sweet! I'll email you those pictures now. Love those smilin' girls! Great picture of Em. (I shot a video of him but it's too dark; the only good part is you can hear him giggling and squealing.)The picture of the three of them playing their games should be above a NYT article about how "video games are ruining our kids" or something.
Cute kiddos!! What happened to Greeley's 'do? Emerson (The Chubster) is growing too fast! But, cute as all your other kiddos.
Wilson is looking content on that leather sofa!!
Another bunch of great pictures. Those four kiddos are photogenic as can be. Great blue eyes and terrific hairdos, even Greeley's short 'do looks just right on her. Emerson seems on his way to becoming a master of the kitchen, just like his uncle John.
Oh, fun. Somehow I mised this post until now... a week later.
The picture of Emerson is particularly nice, and I do like that sort of, scifi futuristic looking one with the three older kids all looking into electronic screens. A sort of black & white vision...
Happy February!
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